Enrico Cesari

enrico cesari


Danseur (1980)



Enrico Cesari starts his dance studies at the Charleroi Conservatory which he finishes in september 1977.
He then joins the Ballet of the Palais des Beaux Arts for the next three years.
In 1980 he is offered a contract by the Ballet Royal de Wallonie where he spends the next ten years taking part in practically all the creations.
At Jorge Lefebre's death Enrico joins the Ballet de Zaragoza in Spain in 1990 for seven years.
When he stops dancing in 1997, with 8 of his colleagues, he leaves Zaragoza for Italy. In Turin, with the choreographer Paolo Mohovicht they found the company Balletto del Esperia, which is still going strong...
Since january 2000 he is Stage Manager(Régisseur Général)with the Béjart Ballet Lausanne.

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